3 weeks en counting.

Wowwy a whole new game on. been 3 weeks and a day since off paxil! It's been rough and it continues to be rough, but that's life is it not. Challenges and difficulties where made to be overcome.
Sometimes i don't feel all that brave at all, it feels like an endless loop, one that refuses to slow down or come to an end, but eventually that ride either has to change or stop. Eternity comes into perspective once you stop looking at it. Time flies by when you stop thinking about it, and life holds meaning once yous top forcing the issue. As life become difficult or more challenging I look within myself instead of finding more things to blame. My outlook on life has a defeating or defending attitude, depends on how I look at it. Regardless, the path I've chosen isn't the easy one. I can no longer take a little pill to dull the senses, i know have to face the world with eyes open and emotions raw. But i will always remember these words, that come in handy over and over again. If God is with us, who can be against us?
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