And then...

English: Goatling sucks mother's udder Русский...
English: Goatling sucks mother's udder Русский: Козлёнок сосёт материнское вымя (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There comes a time in life when all you want to do is scream bloody murder. Past present future, non of it matters when that particular moment sucks up you air and stifles you. Of course such moments eventually gives way to blissful anger and fed-up-ness (yes i just made up a word, because i can) And other times in life you get so tired, that you just don't care anymore. Some of us go through those phases a lot faster than others, but so be it. Each adventure is a task, one that at the end of time when you look into the abyss you can say, HELL YEAH! that was me!

The reason why i have a goat pic?
Because i can, that simple. Oh and the face looks completely bad a$$. He's drinking his milk and the rest of the world could do whatever it likes. Sometimes, that's what it's all about, peace, relaxation and drinking some milk.
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