
A new day has begun and I have entered the world of blogging. Dear lord help us. I feel like a babe in a new world. Grant it, it's also terribly exciting. I can post...well just about anything. My own public diary and forum to speak my mind and shoot out creativity from my finger tips. Let the games begin!


  1. That's the wonderful thing about blogging, you can do whatever you want!
    It's a hard less to learn though. In my time in it i've found that the absolute most important thing to do is make sure you are doing it for your own enjoyment not for the approval of others or readers....otherwise it stops being a joy.

    The ability to do what you want with your space is amazing

    1. Oh i agree, blogging is for the enjoyment of ones own self, but one also has the responsibility to bring forth new and interesting data to ones fans.
      All in all, it'll be an interesting ride. One i intend to enjoy.


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