Getting back what's lost

Finding my soul. Calling it back.
Give it back to me, what I lack.
Do you have any idea, how much I’m suffering?
All because you’re new car was buffering?
Does it matter to you that I can’t sleep?
Or that every day I just weep?
Do you even care that my mind is not my own?
Or is it all you care that your money is not dethroned.
I hope you see hell, for what you did to me.
I hope you ****ing die for all eternity.
I hope you get stabbed in the face with a rusty needle.
And the blood burns acid into your brain.
Have you any idea what this drug is doing to me?
Please just give me back my sanity!
Enjoy your money, you hungry co-prate money grubbing hogs.
And may God show you the same mercy you showed on us.


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