List of adventure!

Hello, hello, hello, it’s that time again.
 A time when I loosen my hair from its ponytail, dive my brain into research and come up with the weekly: List of adventure!
Today’s list:

5 Food sources that help tighten skin.

Free radicals damage collagen, dehydrate skin and are just a pain in the butt for healthy skin all around.
As if a person didn't have enough to worry about in losing weight, or ageing, now we have to worry about sagging skin! ( >.<) atrocious.
So what is a poor helpless person to do?
Luckily there are many things and ways to help.
Surgery & chemicals: though  in some way fixes the problem, they can also cause problems of their own.
Personally I prefer the natural way, might take longer, but unless a person has serious allergies, it is the safer, healthy way.  (And in some cases cheaper!)
Here are five ways to help you along the path to tighter, healthier skin.

  1. Antioxidants:  A driving enemy, tough against the free radical effect.
  2. Vitamin C:  Gotta love those citrus fruits. Vitamin c triggers collagen which basically is the ultimate key to the appearance of our skin. Have good healthy collagen, have good healthy skin.
  3.  Zinc:  The maintenance of collagen and elastin. (It’s an extremely important mineral people.)
  4.  Omega-3:  Fish lovers rejoice! You have a tuna, salmon etc, fighting team on your side. Omega 3, which is found in types of fishes, is a great way to build both elastin and collagen.
  5. Water:  Yes water. Never underestimate that great source of hydration capabilities. After all, your body is made up of a large percentage of water. Deplete that reservoir and the skin and other organs will suffer. Resupply it and watch your skin regenerate.

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