Inside you

I think we need a place where we can just yell and scream to our hearts content. Each and everyone of us. For me, that place is in a pillow. Just screaming and yelling at it until i'm to tired or have run out of breath. It works a little that's for sure.
Day four paxil free, or is day five... not sure. I know i'm not suffering as badly as some of my other paxil WD suffers. God be with us all. I sincerely hope a day of retribution and justice comes for the people responsible of putting this kind of poison in us and our children. Seriously, is money really all that important?


  1. I've long decided that when i have my own home I'm going to have a 'Break Room' so owner and visitor alike can come in, goggle and suit up and just break dishes from wall to floor to ceiling.

    This is a dream of mine.


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